School Fees

School Fees

Our school fees are reviewed from time to time. These fees are payable either ate the beginning of every month, every term or annually. A form with further information is available at the school.

The greater part of the school income is derived from the parents. These fees are essential for the purchase of sporting equipment, teaching aids, maintenance, salaries, etc.

Parents are requested not to allow their school fees to fall into arrears, according to their previous arrangement. Policy requires that legal steps are taken if accounts are 90 days overdue.

Application for the total or partial exemption of school fees can be done through the principal, but please note that both the parent’s incomes must be declared before the application will be considered.

 Please note that, where possible, parents must try to pay fees electronically. In this way the school, as well as the parents, will save a lot on banking fees. The risk of the money being lost is also minimized. Please use the learner’s initials and surname as reference.

Banking Details

Hoekwil Primary School

Bank: FNB

Account Number: 6238 2732 496

Branch Code: 210114

Account Type: Current